A woman is who brought you into this word... A woman stretched out her body to allow you to grow inside her... Then she went through a pain greater then none other to bring you into this world. So if your mother is still alive make sure she knows that you love her...
The feeling a mother gets when she feels her child's first kick, when she has her ultrasounds... Priceless!!!
But sometime a woman is put in a predicament where that unborn child is just not a good edition to her life... No it shouldn't be that way... Like "oh I am to busy to have a child right now" or "I am not in a place to raise a child"... But yet woman every day make this HARD decision....
So that woman will not feel those kicks or have her belly stretch, or the morning sickness.... But know a woman with a heart will feel the pain of losing her child...
(Tears........) But don't judge because you don't know her story!
nice one.i really like this post.feel free to follow me if you like..cheers.